Welcome | C.I.S.C.

Welcome to the website of the China International Students Council (CISC). We are the link between you and the Chinese educational institutions. The CISC is a non-governmental organization set up to promote the interests of international students studying in China and help Chinese educational institutions prepare study programs to suit international students in coordination with CCOL.

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CISC offers unique solutions and methodology based on expert knowledge and extensive experience in ensuring the China Education System.

Contact us

Please apply well before the deadline by contacting:

Send us an email admin@studymbbsinchina.com or zee1707@gmail.com

Full Name:
Father Name:
Date of Birth:
Identity Card /Passport#:
Cell Phone:
Subjects Institution Attended Grade Year

Which University do you wish to study?

1st Choice
2nd Choice


As a student enrolling in the above Chinese University , I understand, accept and agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the institution and the local government, including both those in effect at my time of registration and those which may come into effect during my period of study. I confirm that I have read the institution's literature and understand the program of study I will take, the level of education I will receive, the cost of my study and living expenses and the institutions expectations regarding my behavior. I understand that there is no offer or guarantee of employment in conjunction with my studies. I understand that if my visa is refused and China International Students Council is also unable to get the visa for me, then the deposit of US$ 400.00 will be refunded. If for any other reason I do not wish to proceed with this application then only US$300.00 will be refunded.

By Submitting this Online Application I confirm that have I read the above and hereby understand the terms and conditions.

I wish to apply for the Semester
in above mentioned
University/College and authorize China International Students Council to act on my behalf in seeking admission.
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